

“伏枥老骥!2023北京哪里有站女,归隐志士” 现代汽车印度子公司计划上市,或成印度史上规模最大IPO


  此次印度年夜选前,莫迪当局出台了专门针对电动车出产企业的降税政策,也被认为有益于吸引更多全球车企前去印度“掘金”。  韩国汽车巨子现代汽车据称正打算鞭策印度子公司在6月向印度证券买卖委员会 (SEBI) 提交上市申请。据媒体援用知恋人士动静称,本次IPO范围估计为25亿~30亿美元,有望成为印度汗青上范围最年夜的初次公然募股(IPO),跨越此前2022年印度人寿保险公司27亿美元的记载。若按此订价上市,现代汽车印度子公司的估值最高将到达200亿美元。  曩昔数年,印度股市的表示始终位于全球市场前列,股指屡立异高。近期,在新兴市场股市遍及疲软的布景下,印度股市上周五开盘不久后,基准股指SENSEX指数走高至75525.48点,创下汗青新高。而对现代汽车来讲,印度是该公司继美国和韩国以后的第三年夜市场。现代汽车印度子公司是仅次于马鲁蒂铃木的印度第二年夜汽车制造商,2023财年实现收入约60亿美元,利润近5亿美元。业内助士认为,现代汽车印度子公司此次谋求上市是为扩年夜在印度的市场份额,提高现金贮备和资金实力。  据知恋人士流露,现代汽车已选定了花旗、摩根年夜通、汇丰证券、科塔克-马恒达本钱和摩根士丹利等投行担负IPO参谋机构。值得一提的是,本次IPO不采取传统的刊行新股的体例,而是采取要约出售 (Offer for Sale, OFS) 的体例。要约出售不会刊行新股,只是实现股权转移,即母公司现代汽车出售必然比例印度子公司的老股分,也不会稀释其他股东的股分。不外,在当前印度股市波动加重、全国年夜选成果行将揭晓的布景下,IPO的具体时候表和刊行细节仍有待进一步明白。  这一决议的背后则是车企掠取印度市场及加年夜对印度市场的投资。韩国证券公司Kiwoom Securities阐发师辛仑澈(Shin Yoon-chul)暗示,印度是全球生齿最多的国度,被认为有着深挚的消费潜能,因此成为全球车企必争之地。韩系车企也在抓紧结构。今朝,韩系车企首要在印度发卖燃油车,据悉,现代和另外一家韩国车企起亚打算从2025年最先,在印度发卖当地出产的电动汽车,并可能先从混动汽车最先竞争。印度本土汽车品牌今朝还没有推出有竞争力的夹杂动力汽车,该市场由日本车企主导。按照Kiwoom Securities的数据,2023年丰田在印度夹杂动力车市场的份额为78%,本田汽车为2%。辛仑澈认为,现代和起亚均具有制造混动车的经验,有望在印度的混动汽车市场占有必然市场份额。  此前,4月8日,现代汽车和起亚汽车还与印度电池公司埃克赛德能源解决方案(Exide Energy Solution)公司签订了一份体谅备忘录,作为电动汽车扩大打算的一部门,旨在将其电动汽车的电池实现印度当地化出产,合作特别专注于磷酸铁锂(LFP)电池。现代汽车那时暗示,打算从2023年最先的10年内对印度投资约2000亿卢比(约24亿美元),并在2028年前推出六款电动汽车车型和充电站。起亚汽车客岁1月也在印度暗示,将来四年将在印度投资200亿卢比(约2.4亿美元),用于电动汽车的制造和根本举措措施开辟,近期则进一步暗示,打算从2025年最先为印度市场推出颠末当地优化的小型电动汽车。  辛仑澈阐发称:“印度制造业的平均劳动力本钱低廉,另外,印度重大的锂矿将帮忙成心在该国出产电动汽车的汽车制造商更好地获得需要的电池材料。”  另外,此次印度年夜选前,莫迪当局还出台了专门针对电动车出产企业的降税政策,也被认为有益于吸引更多全球车企前去印度“掘金”。新政划定,只要车企许诺投资最少415亿卢比(约合5亿美元),3年内最先在当地工场出产电动汽车,便可取得税收优惠。另外,订价在3.5万美元以上的进口电动汽车在5年内将只需缴纳15%的关税。新政前,印度对4万美元以下的进口汽车征收70%的高额关税,对4万美元以上的汽车税收更是高达100%。此前,印度当局一向约请美国电动车巨子特斯拉到印度建厂,但特斯拉开创人马斯克屡次以高关税为由谢绝,埋怨印度的高关税为“拦路虎”。 .app-kaihu-qr {text-align: center;padding: 20px 0;} .app-kaihu-qr span {font-size: 18px; line-height: 31px;display: block;} .app-kaihu-qr img {width: 170px;height: 170px;display: block;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 10px;} 股市回暖,抄底炒股先开户!智能定投、前提单、个股雷达……送给你>>。



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“{AI当前文本标题}” 英德市小巷子(律动小巷子:英德市的音乐舞蹈风尚)



Located in the heart of China, English Alley is a lively and vibrant city known for its rich cultural heritage and artistic expression. One of the most prominent aspects of the city's cultural scene is its music and dance community. From classical ballet to contemporary hip-hop, English Alley's music and dance scene is diverse and thriving. In this article, we will explore the various music and dance genres that have shaped the rhythm of English Alley's artistic landscape.

Ballet: Grace in Motion

Ballet, the epitome of elegance and grace, has a strong presence in English Alley. The city boasts several prestigious ballet schools and companies that have produced world-class dancers. The English Alley Ballet Company, renowned for its exquisite performances and meticulous attention to detail, is a shining example of the city's dedication to ballet. The company's productions, often held in the grand English Alley Opera House, leave audiences spellbound with their seamless choreography and emotional storytelling.

Hip-Hop: Urban Rhythm

In the narrow alleys of English Alley, the vibrant and energetic beats of hip-hop music can be heard. The city's hip-hop scene has exploded in recent years, with talented street dancers showcasing their skills in parks, squares, and underground venues. English Alley has become a breeding ground for young hip-hop artists, with dance crews like "Street Flames" gaining international recognition for their unique style and high-energy performances. The annual English Alley Hip-Hop Festival attracts both local and international talent, making it a must-visit event for hip-hop enthusiasts.

Traditional Chinese Dance: Preserving Cultural Heritage

English Alley also embraces its rich cultural heritage through traditional Chinese dance. This ancient art form, characterized by its graceful movements and intricate costumes, holds a special place in the hearts of the city's residents. Traditional Chinese dance troupes, such as "Silk Gossamer," captivate audiences with their performances that depict historical legends and folk tales. The English Alley Academy of Chinese Dance ensures the preservation and promotion of traditional Chinese dance through its rigorous training programs and performances that showcase the beauty and elegance of this art form.

Contemporary Dance: Pushing Boundaries

As a city known for its progressive mindset, English Alley embraces contemporary dance as a form of artistic expression that pushes boundaries and challenges conventions. The city's contemporary dance scene is diverse and experimental, with artists combining different styles and techniques to create thought-provoking performances. The "Movement Revolution" dance collective is at the forefront of the contemporary dance scene in English Alley, pushing the limits of movement and exploring new ways to communicate emotion through dance.


In the small alleyways of English Alley, a vibrant and eclectic mix of music and dance genres thrives. From the grace and elegance of ballet to the energetic rhythms of hip-hop, the city's music and dance scene offers something for every artistic taste. Whether you are a fan of traditional Chinese dance or prefer the avant-garde world of contemporary dance, English Alley ensures that you can immerse yourself in the beauty and creativity of these art forms. Step into the rhythm of English Alley, and you will discover a world of music and dance that will leave you enthralled.

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