


  中新网福州6月2日电 (吕明 许家宝)第七届海峡汉服文化节暨2024汉服时尚周1日晚在福州揭幕。来自菲律宾、加拿年夜、意年夜利、希腊等国度和地域的200多名汉服快乐喜爱者加入。   “跟着汉服文化的鼓起,愈来愈多的两岸青年穿上漂亮的汉服,展开福建茶礼、传统技击、书法绘画,和推行临水文化、福文化等特点勾当,架起了海峡两岸平易近间交换的友情桥梁。”福建省汉服文化增进会会长郑炜说,汉服文化节约请泛博闽籍侨界青年和台湾同胞的介入,领会其深挚的汗青文化底蕴,更是让世界看到中汉文明的光辉,彰显文化自傲。 第七届海峡汉服文化节启幕。中新网记者 吕明 摄   台湾台南市文化协会理事长周芷茹暗示,2015年第一次加入海峡汉服文化节,从此与汉服等传统文化结缘。十年来,见到愈来愈多的两岸年青人插手传统文化传承与立异的行列,这彰光鲜明显中汉文化后继有人。今天这场传统与时尚、古典与芳华相连系的勾当,让我们看到了两岸平易近间交换和文化财产合作的夸姣前景。   勾当将延续至6月3日,其间将带来两岸青年汉服时尚秀、海峡两岸中华传统平易近族衣饰风度展、全国中华花神展演、海峡两岸汉服青年叙缘会、福侨之光传统茶会雅集等勾当,为泛博福州市平易近、台湾同胞和海侨民胞呈上出色的传统文化盛宴。 图为簪花礼。中新网记者 吕明 摄   郑炜暗示,海峡汉服文化节是一场以汉服文化和两岸同源的优异传统文化为主题,拉近两岸青年之间距离的勾当。自2013年举行以来,已成功举行了六届。本次文化节,在历届勾当的根本上,经由过程传统与时尚相连系的模式,举行丰硕多彩的勾当,实现交换功效,进一步向两岸人平易近显现汉服之美,守护中华平易近族配合记忆。 图为汉服展现。中新网记者 吕明 摄   本次勾当由福建省汉服文化增进会主办,福建省侨联青年委员会撑持,台南市文化协会、福州市鼓楼区委台办、鼓楼区侨联等单元协办。(完) 【编纂:田博群】。



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Jiangmen's Penglai Road: A Hidden Gem for Exploring

Penglai Road in Jiangmen's Penglai Village is a charming alleyway that offers a unique and authentic experience for visitors. Unlike its bustling neighboring streets, Penglai Road has managed to maintain its old-world charm and preserved traditional architecture. Let's take a stroll down this hidden gem and discover what it has to offer.

The Melting Pot of Cuisine

One of the highlights of Penglai Road is the diverse range of culinary options it offers. As you walk along the alleyway, you'll find a multitude of small eateries and street food vendors serving up a variety of local and regional dishes. From mouth-watering dim sum and freshly steamed dumplings to aromatic Cantonese-style roasted meats, there's something to satisfy every palate. Don't forget to try the famous Penglai Road rice noodles, a local specialty that is sure to leave you craving for more.

A Shopper's Paradise

Penglai Road is also a haven for shopaholics. The alleyway is lined with numerous boutiques, specialty stores, and local shops. You can find everything from trendy fashion apparels to unique handmade crafts and souvenirs. Whether you're looking for a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry or a traditional Chinese teapot, Penglai Road has it all. Be prepared to unleash your inner shopaholic and indulge in some retail therapy.

A Glimpse into History

Walking down Penglai Road feels like stepping back in time. The well-preserved historical buildings along the alleyway offer a glimpse into Jiangmen's rich cultural heritage. You can admire the elegant architecture of the traditional Chinese courtyard houses and the intricate carvings on the wooden doors and windows. Some of these buildings have been converted into museums and cultural centers, allowing visitors to learn more about the history and traditions of the region.

Hidden Art Galleries

If you're an art enthusiast, Penglai Road will not disappoint. Tucked away in some of the unassuming buildings are hidden art galleries showcasing the works of local and regional artists. From traditional Chinese paintings to contemporary sculptures, you can explore a diverse collection of artwork. Take your time to appreciate the beauty and creativity on display and support the local art scene by purchasing a unique piece to take home.

Discovering Local Traditions

As you wander through Penglai Road, you'll have the opportunity to witness and participate in various local traditions and cultural activities. Depending on the time of your visit, you might stumble upon a lively lion dance performance or a traditional Chinese opera. The alleyway is also known for hosting festive celebrations during important holidays, where you can immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and experience the local traditions firsthand.

A Serene Escape

Despite being located in the heart of Jiangmen, Penglai Road offers a serene and tranquil ambiance. The narrow alleyway is away from the hustle and bustle of the main streets, providing a peaceful environment for a leisurely stroll. You can take a break from the noise and chaos of the city and find solace in the quietness of Penglai Road. Enjoy the soothing sounds of running water in the small stone fountains and savor the fragrance of blooming flowers in well-maintained gardens.


Penglai Road in Jiangmen's Penglai Village is a truly unique destination for those seeking an off-the-beaten-path experience. With its delightful culinary options, bustling shopping scene, rich history, hidden art galleries, local traditions, and serene ambiance, Penglai Road has something to offer everyone. So, the next time you find yourself in Jiangmen, don't miss the opportunity to explore this hidden gem in the heart of the city.

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