


Shenzhen 9598 Water Gathering Guide

Shenzhen, a vibrant city in southern China, is known for its modernity and economic development. Among the numerous attractions, 9598 Water Gathering has become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. With its unique charm and diverse offerings, 9598 Water Gathering offers a thrilling experience that cannot be missed.

Unforgettable Experiences

When visiting 9598 Water Gathering, be prepared to embark on a journey of excitement and adventure. The park offers a wide range of water activities, from exhilarating water slides to relaxing lazy rivers. Whether you are seeking an adrenaline rush or a moment of tranquility, there is something for everyone.

One of the must-try attractions is the "Water Mountain," a towering structure that combines thrilling water slides with breathtaking views. As you slide down at high speeds, you can enjoy panoramic views of the entire park. It's an exhilarating experience that will leave you wanting more.

Diversity in Dining Options

In addition to the thrilling water rides, 9598 Water Gathering is also a food lover's paradise. The park boasts a wide range of dining options, from local street food stalls to international cuisine. No matter your preference, you are sure to find something delicious to appease your appetite. Indulge in mouthwatering delicacies and experience the culinary delights that Shenzhen has to offer.

Entertainment for All Ages

9598 Water Gathering is not just for thrill-seekers and food enthusiasts; it also offers entertainment for all ages. The park features live performances, including acrobatics and dance shows, that are sure to captivate audiences of all generations. Take a break from the water rides and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the park.

For families with children, the kids' area is a must-visit. Filled with interactive water play structures and mini-slides, it provides endless fun and laughter for the little ones. Parents can also relax and enjoy some peaceful moments while watching their kids play safely in the water.

Practical Information

9598 Water Gathering is conveniently located in Shenzhen, making it easily accessible for both locals and tourists. The park offers various ticket options, including single-day passes and season tickets, to cater to different needs. Additionally, there are locker facilities available for visitors to store their belongings safely.

It is recommended to visit 9598 Water Gathering during weekdays to avoid the crowds. The park tends to be more crowded on weekends and public holidays, so plan your trip accordingly for a more enjoyable experience.

In conclusion, Shenzhen 9598 Water Gathering is a must-visit destination for those seeking excitement, delicious food, and entertainment. With its wide range of water activities and diverse dining options, the park offers a memorable experience for visitors of all ages. Embark on an adventure and create unforgettable memories at 9598 Water Gathering.

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车来了冲刺港股:年营收1.7亿 阿里滴滴田溯宁是股东


车来了冲刺港股:年营收1.7亿 阿里滴滴田溯宁是股东

  雷递网 雷建平 6月1日  车来了(MetaLight)本日递交招股书,预备在港交所上市。  年营收1.74亿  车来了是一家数据智能公司,专注于操纵时序数据(按时候挨次摆列的数据点)来发现及猜测阐发对象随时候转变的趋向、模式及波动特点。经由过程操纵年夜数据阐发及人工智能手艺,车来了在各类利用场景中为小我、企业及当局供给切确猜测并撑持智能决议计划。  例如,当用户打算搭乘公交时,车来了会帮忙猜测公交什么时候达到。当交通部分设计新公交线路时,车来了协助肯定最有用的线路,以优化乘客出行、线路可达性和运营  效力。当买卖商但愿操纵电力市场价钱波动获得盈利时,车来了会供给买卖策略以实现最年夜回报。  车来了培育了重大而活跃的用户群,截至2023年12月31日,用户数跨越2.64亿,2023年的平均月活跃用户数约2530万。截至2023年12月31日,车来了的地区规模已扩大至全中国近450个城市及乡镇。  2024年4月,车来了新增人工智能聊天机械人功能,利用户可以使用语音指令查询估量公交车达到时候、车站位置、通勤线路计划及其他公交信息。  招股书显示,车来了2021年、2022年、2023年营收别离为1.63亿元、1.35亿元、1.74亿元;毛利别离为1.23亿元、9880万元、1.33亿元;毛利率别离为75.1%、73%、76.3%。  车来了2021年、2022年、2023年年内利润别离为3346.5万、-2004万元、2033万元;年内利润率别离为20.5%、-14.8%、-11.6%。  车来了2021年、2022年、2023年年经调剂利润别离为4420万元、981.4万元、4650万元;经调剂利润率别离为27%、7.2%、26.6%。  截至2023年12月31日,车来了持有的现金及现金等价物为5551万元。  孙熙博士节制25.21%投票权  车来了履行董事别离为孙熙博士、钱金蕾密斯、许诚、吕露密斯,自力非履行董事别离为谢涛博士、苏瑜密斯、郑云端。  此中,吕露密斯是前尚德机构CFO,现为车来了CFO,为此次IPO操盘手。  自车来了于2015年注册成立以来及于2023年股权重组前,WeBusLtd.一向持有车来了最年夜权益。WeBus Ltd.别离(i)由邵博士透过其全资从属公司Bus Dream Ltd持有58.63%股权;(ii)由陈晓透过其全资从属公司Bus Hope Ltd.持有27.59%股权;及(iii)由肖平原透过其全资从属公司Bus Cherish Ltd.持有13.78%的股权。  按照邵博士于2017年4月18日签订的投票和谈,邵博士(为其自己及代表BusDream)将与其于WeBus Ltd.的全数58.63%股权相干的投票权授与孙博士。是以,紧接2023年股权重组前,孙博士、陈晓及肖平原(连同彼等的节制实体)组成单一最年夜股东团体。  截至文件日期,车来了别离由BusDream具有约4.46%、Bus Hope具有约6.87%、Bus Cherish具有约5.17%及Meta Hope Ltd. (‘Meta Hope’)具有约8.71%权益。  按照2023年投票和谈,邵博士(连同BusDream)向孙熙博士(连同Meta Hope)授与与其透过Bus Dream持有的车来了全数间接股权相干的投票权。  为精简及优化股权布局,确保团体的不变具有权及营业成长,孙熙博士与陈晓、肖平原及其各自节制的实体(即MetaHope、Bus Hope及Bus Cherish)(各自为‘一致步履方’,且统称为‘一致步履方’)于2023年12月30日订立一致步履和谈(‘一致步履和谈’)。  经斟酌经由过程2023年投票和谈授与孙博士的投票权,一致步履方及BusDream(其投票权由孙博士按照2023年投票和谈行使)配合具有并有权节制合共约25.21%的投票权。是以,一致步履方及Bus Dream组成单一最年夜股东团体。  阿里与田溯宁是股东  另外,阿里巴巴、SilverSnake、顺为等也是股东。  IPO前,邵博士持股为4.46%,陈晓持股为6.87%,肖平原持股为5.17%,孙熙博士持股为8.71%,WeBus Light持股为10.15%,WeBus Data持股为1.84%,吕露持股为3.67%,Meta Shine持股为4.33%;  杨正宏旗下HongHe Venture持股10.06%,滴滴旗下Cheering Venture持股18.11%,阿里持股10.46%,田溯宁旗下China Broadband Capital持股为10.51%。  雷递由媒体人雷建平开办,若转载请写明来历。 .app-kaihu-qr {text-align: center;padding: 20px 0;} .app-kaihu-qr span {font-size: 18px; line-height: 31px;display: block;} .app-kaihu-qr img {width: 170px;height: 170px;display: block;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 10px;} 股市回暖,抄底炒股先开户!智能定投、前提单、个股雷达……送给你>>。



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