


Nanchang 200 RMB Romance: A Chaotic Tale

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Nanchang, a unique love story unfolded. The protagonists of this story were two young individuals, Li Wei and Zhang Ying, who fate brought together with only 200 RMB in their pockets. Little did they know that this meager amount would lead them on an extraordinary adventure that traversed realms both real and imaginary.

Unforgettable Encounter

It all began one serene evening at a local bookstore. Li Wei, an aspiring writer, was engrossed in a novel when his eyes met Zhang Ying's across the crowded room. Sparks flew, and an indescribable connection was forged instantaneously. With their shared love for literature as a common ground, they decided to embark on a journey that defied societal norms and financial limitations.

A 200 RMB Proposal

Determined to make their love story memorable, Li Wei, with his limited budget, hatched an audacious plan to propose to Zhang Ying. With his 200 RMB, he bought dozens of colorful balloons and attached handwritten notes, each expressing his deepest emotions. He then scattered them across the city, leading Zhang Ying on a whimsical treasure hunt that culminated in a park where Li Wei awaited with a bouquet of wildflowers.

Dreamy Getaway

Fuelled by their love and a shared sense of adventure, the couple embarked on a spontaneous road trip through Jiangxi Province. Armed with a map and their trusty bicycles, they ventured into the unknown, discovering hidden gems along the way. From picturesque countryside landscapes to tranquil temples, their journey encapsulated the essence of Nanchang's beauty.

A Night Under the Stars

As the sun began its descent, Li Wei and Zhang Ying found themselves on the banks of the mesmerizing Gan River. Entranced by the tranquility of the surroundings, they set up a makeshift campfire and spent the night under the starry sky. Wrapped in each other's arms, they whispered secrets and dreams, their love becoming inseparable from the ethereal atmosphere.

From Rags to Riches

News of Li Wei and Zhang Ying's unconventional love story spread like wildfire through the city. Inspired by their resilience and creativity, the local community rallied together to support the couple. Businesses offered jobs, individuals donated money and resources, and soon the couple's financial situation began to change. From their initial 200 RMB, they found themselves with enough funds to pursue their dreams and build a life together.

A New Chapter Begins

Li Wei and Zhang Ying's story went on to inspire countless others, reminding everyone that love knows no boundaries, even when constrained by finances. Their love story was not defined by lavish gestures, but rather by the genuine connection they shared. As they walked hand in hand into the sunset, Nanchang stood witness to a remarkable tale of love triumphing over adversity - a testament to the power of the human spirit.

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  5月31日,天宸股分(600620)2023年年度股东年夜会在位于上海市闵行区银都路的天宸展现中间召开。  此次会议合计审议了18项议案,《关于提请上海市天宸股分有限公司在二级市场回购股分的议案》(下称“《回购议案》”)成为独一被否决的议案。  证券时报·e公司记者留意到,从投票成果来看,公司前两年夜股东仲盛虹桥、国华人寿均投了否决票。  此中,《回购议案》的赞成票为4863.59万股,占出席会议的股东所持有表决权的股分总数(4.48亿股)的10.8503%;否决票3.996亿股,占比89.149%;弃权3000股,占比0.0007%。剔除中小股东投票数,来矜持股5%以上股东的赞成票为4637.53万股。这与天宸股分第四年夜股东杭州清哲投资—清哲和融7号私募证券投资基金(下称“杭州清哲”)的持股完全一致。  来矜持股5%以上股东的否决票为3.7亿股。以天宸股分股权布局阐发,最少公司前三年夜股东仲盛虹桥、国华人寿-全能三号、国华人寿-自有二号都投了否决票。  杭州清哲恰是《回购议案》的提案方。早前,杭州清哲于5月中旬向天宸股分提交2023年度股东年夜会姑且提案。杭州清哲在姑且提案中提出了两个要求,一是要求上市公司回购股分,二是要求上市公司明白转型打算和办法。  杭州清哲指出,天宸股分账上持久存在年夜额闲置现金,既没有投入有用益的出产经营勾当,也没有分红回报股东,是极年夜的资本华侈。同时,公司经营持久没有本色性改不雅,计谋转型的进度和结果也很是不较着,与治理团队没有有用鼓励机制、与股东好处没有绑定有很年夜关系,需要加年夜对现有治理层的股权鼓励,也为引进有能力的新的治理人员供给资本。  基于上述缘由,杭州清哲建议天宸股分以集中竞价买卖体例回购公司股分用于治理层股权鼓励。回购资金总额不低于1.5亿元(含)、不跨越2亿元(含)。回购价钱不跨越8元/股(截至5月17日收盘,天宸股分股价报收于5.55元/股。)。  对此,天宸股分则回应称,回购事项的提案未违背有关划定,可以提交公司2023年年度股东年夜会进行审议和表决。但公司方面暗示,在知足公司正常经营的环境下,是不是还有其他闲置资金用于回购公司股分,具有较年夜不肯定性。  对杭州清哲提出的转型提案,天宸股分以提案的内容没有明白议题或具体抉择事项,不合适相干划定,不予提交公司年度股东年夜会审议。  《回购议案》的呈现激发投资者热议。回购、转型预期下,天宸股分的股价一度年夜涨年夜跌。  杭州清哲系一家私募基金,治理范围区间为5亿元至10亿元,现实节制报酬天然人杨柳、瞿庆海。  杭州清哲初次现身于天宸股分2023年第一季度陈述,期末持股993.57万股,持股比例为1.45%。截至本年一季度末,杭州清哲持股增至4637.53万股,持股比例为6.75%。2023年4月以来,天宸股分股价累计下跌56.91%,区间加权均价为9.572元/股。若以该区间加权均价来看,杭州清哲的持股已遭受了浮亏。  值得一提的是,知名富豪刘益谦旗下的国华人寿对天宸股分的投资也处于浮亏状况。国华人寿于2015年7月15日单日狂买2288.93万股,初次举牌天宸股分。到2016年10月10日,国华人寿已合计持有天宸股分股票1.37亿股,持股比例增至20%。  国华人寿表露了第一次、第三次和第四次举牌的年夜致均价,粗略估算下来,公司这三次举牌合计耗资在11.4亿元以上。以天宸股分区间加权均价算来,国华人寿第二次举牌耗资也在3亿元以上。  在权益变更书中,国华人寿暗示增持是出于对天宸股分将来成长前景的看好,“基于上市公司正在谋求计谋转型,晋升公司焦点竞争力”。  天宸股分的地产主业一向较为低迷。2015年度,公司拟经由过程并购重组进入环保行业。2016年度,公司停牌重组,拟进入教育行业。但两次重组均以掉败了结。  截至本年一季度末,国华人寿三只产物全能三号、自有二号、传同一号合计持有天宸股分股票约1.65亿股(2016年10月10往后有过增持),持股比例24%。今朝,这笔股权市值约9.21亿元。  最近几年来,国华人寿投资状态欠安。2017年至2019年,国华人寿别离实现净利润27.33亿元、20.55亿元、22.16亿元;2020年,净利润降落至11.1亿元;2021年、2022年,其净利润别离为8.49亿元、4.84亿元。2023年度,国华人寿吃亏11.55亿元,同比降落338.6%。“因为受750日移动平均国债收益率曲线下行身分影响,国华人寿增添计提预备金,同时昔时投资收益有所削减。”公司如斯注释客岁的吃亏。 .app-kaihu-qr {text-align: center;padding: 20px 0;} .app-kaihu-qr span {font-size: 18px; line-height: 31px;display: block;} .app-kaihu-qr img {width: 170px;height: 170px;display: block;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 10px;} 股市回暖,抄底炒股先开户!智能定投、前提单、个股雷达……送给你>>。



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