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  5月30日,四川省南充市嘉陵区之江小学的学生们收到了一份特殊的儿童节礼品——习近平总书记的回信。  这封回信背后是一段在20年前结下的暖和情缘。 window.__styleInject__ = window.__styleInject__ || function (css) { if (!css) return; if (typeof (window) == 'undefined') return; var style = document.createElement('style'); if ('styleSheet' in style) { style = document.createElement('div'); style.innerHTML = '' + css + ''; style = style.lastChild; } else { style.innerHTML = css; } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(style); return css; }; window.__resetPlayerOpt__ = window.__resetPlayerOpt__ || function (opt) { opt.width = opt.width ? (opt.width + '') : '100%'; opt.height = opt.height ? (opt.height + '') : '300px'; if (opt.width.indexOf('%') === -1 && opt.width.indexOf('px') === -1) { opt.width = opt.width + 'px'; } if (opt.height.indexOf('%') === -1 && opt.height.indexOf('px') === -1) { opt.height = opt.height + 'px'; } if (!!window.navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit.*Mobile.*/)) { if (opt.custom_priority) { if (opt.width && typeof opt.width === 'string' && opt.width.indexOf('%') > -1) { window.__styleInject__('div#' + opt.id + '.prism-player.video.nfw-cms-video { width: ' + opt.width + ' !important; height: ' + opt.height + ' !important; }'); } else { var __pdom = document.getElementById(opt.id); var pwidth = __pdom.parentElement.offsetWidth || document.body.offsetWidth; opt.height = window.parseInt(opt.height) / window.parseInt(opt.width) * pwidth + 'px'; opt.width = '100%'; window.__styleInject__('div#' + opt.id + '.prism-player.video.nfw-cms-video { width: ' + opt.width + ' !important; height: ' + opt.height + ' !important; }'); } } else { opt.width = '100%'; } } else { if (opt.custom_priority) { window.__styleInject__('div#' + opt.id + '.prism-player.video.nfw-cms-video { width: ' + opt.width + ' !important; height: ' + opt.height + ' !important; }'); } } return opt; }; window.__cms_video_player_instances__ = window.__cms_video_player_instances__ || []; window.__cms_viedo_player_opts__ = window.__cms_viedo_player_opts__ || []; var playerOpt = {"id":"video_8951040993251347","source":"{\"SD\":\"https:\\/\\/gdvideo.southcn.com\\/6049e26e209e71ef909a6633b79f0102\\/628dbe6299e94d5399964fc0b3864e76-e68d912c07a20e7b81d1d2b731bce8f9-sd.mp4\",\"LD\":\"https:\\/\\/gdvideo.southcn.com\\/6049e26e209e71ef909a6633b79f0102\\/628dbe6299e94d5399964fc0b3864e76-3822170240d1526a8b025d0b33746994-ld.mp4\"}","qualitySort":"desc","format":"mp4","mediaType":"video","cover":"https:\/\/nfassetoss.southcn.com\/__asset\/85c63d3cb1\/cfb1e120fa.jpg","autoplay":false,"isLive":false,"rePlay":false,"playsinline":true,"preload":false,"language":"zh-cn","controlBarVisibility":"hover","useH5Prism":true,"custom_priority":false,"width":"100%","height":"360px","custom_width":"960px","custom_height":"540px","origin_width":"960px","origin_height":"540px"}; playerOpt = window.__resetPlayerOpt__(playerOpt); if (!window.addEventListener) { playerOpt.useFlashPrism = true; } else { playerOpt.useH5Prism = true; playerOpt.cover = 'https://nfassetoss.southcn.com/__asset/85c63d3cb1/cfb1e120fa.jpg'; } window.__cms_video_player_instances__.push(new Aliplayer(playerOpt)); window.__cms_viedo_player_opts__.push(playerOpt);   之江小学前身是四川省南充市嘉陵区的一所山区小学,山高路陡,校舍老旧。  2004年,黉舍在浙江省对口帮扶下实行迁建,时任浙江省委书记习近平同年5月为黉舍培土奠定。2005年9月黉舍正式投入利用,为感激浙江的援建,黉舍也被定名为“之江小学”。  20年来,在总书记的关心和浙江的对口帮扶下,黉舍产生了天翻地覆的转变,软件硬件举措措施一应俱全,成为本地讲授情况最好的黉舍之一,现有在校小学生287名。  自2005年起,黉舍将每一年的5月17日定为“感恩节”,尔后每一年的“感恩节”,写一封感恩信就成了传统。近日,之江小学五年级一班全部同窗给习近平总书记写信,报告请示进修糊口环境,表达感恩之情和争做新时期好少年的决心。  “之江长,嘉陵清,共建黉舍兄弟情。”这是嘉陵区之江小黉舍歌《巴山少年》里的一句歌词,山高水长,浙川情深,现在,这段暖和的情缘仍在延续……  来历:中国蓝新闻。

Zhongshan Alley, located in the heart of our bustling city, has always been a melting pot of diverse cultures and eclectic experiences. This narrow, winding space is a maze of fascinating narratives, where stories from all corners of the world intersect. Join us as we venture into the unknown, to uncover the chaotic charm of Zhongshan Alley.

On the corner where Zhongshan Alley meets Harmony Avenue, a mesmerizing spectacle unfolds. A street performer, dressed in vibrant attire, captivates passersby with incredible juggling skills and a repertoire of astonishing tricks. Inspired by a fusion of traditional Chinese acrobatics and modern circus art, this performer brings joy and wonder to all who witness their act. The crowd grows, applause fills the air, and for a fleeting moment, time stands still.

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