


  中新社新加坡6月2日电 题:专家谈中国防长“喷鼻会”讲话:有理有据、务实坦诚   中新社记者 李志全 李纯   本地时候6月2日,中国国防部长董军在第21届喷鼻格里拉对话会上的年夜会讲话,成为国际舆论存眷核心。当天,相干军事专家在受访时解读讲话并表露了相干细节。   “会场济济一堂,过道上都站着人。”参会的解放军军事科学院原副院长何雷如许描写年夜会讲话时的情形。   何雷介绍,董军部长讲话中起首讲到最近几年来亚太地域平安成长对世界平安的三条主要启迪,特殊提出“三个不答应”的光鲜立场。董军部长深切阐释了中国的全球平安不雅的根基思惟,并从崇尚以和为贵、追求配合平安、秉承同等尊敬、重视开放包涵、捍卫焦点好处等方面,周全阐述中国全球平安不雅在国防政策方面的反应和贯彻。   国防科技年夜学国防科技计谋研究智库研究员朱启超说,这是中国防长在“喷鼻会”这一主要场所,对外系统论述中国对全球平安秉承的文化理念、指点原则与政策立场,针对事变交叉的国际平安场面地步分享中国聪明、提出中国方案、鞭策务实合作。   “相对美国防长讲话中那种拉帮结派,弄‘小圈子’弄匹敌,中国防长讲话站位更高,更表现出年夜国的模样,表现出年夜国戎行的责任和担任。”国防年夜学国度平安学院副传授马愿说。   军事专家张弛也提到,美方是站在美国盟友火伴的“小圈子”来阐发和切磋问题,美方强调的是美国和其盟友火伴的所谓平安关心和平安好处,而对东盟在当地区合作中的中间地位只字不提。中方则是站在人类命运配合体的高度,来综合阐发当前地域和全球的平安情势,始终强调要同列国联袂共进,来保护配合的平安和配合的繁华。   受访专家介绍,董军在年夜会讲话中再一次明白注解中国在台湾问题、南海问题等焦点好处上的原则立场;注解了中国在乌克兰危机、巴以冲突等重年夜国际平安问题上的立场概念;阐述了中美两军关系的主要意义。   朱启超认为,中国防长从汗青、法理、实际等视角对台湾问题、南海问题进行了具体阐发,既对峙原则底线,也尊敬客不雅事实,可谓高高在上、有理有据、务实坦诚、掷地有声。   马愿提到,在中美两军关系问题上,中方在讲话中释放出一个积极的旌旗灯号,就是中国始终对交换合作连结开放立场。但这需要两边相向而行,美方不克不及把中国当敌手、当仇敌,挑动地域热门问题,乃至对中国进行搬弄。   “我感觉中美两军关系稳下来、好起来、向前走,很主要的是要扣好‘第一颗钮扣’。”何雷强调。   这是董军初次在喷鼻格里拉对话会上讲话。当天,8位预会代表向中国防长提出了8个问题,内容不乏中美关系、台湾问题等热门议题。   何雷暗示,董军部长在年夜会讲话和回覆预会代表发问时,对此中的毛病概念进行了澄清,对无故求全谴责、歹意搬弄进行了有力褒贬。(完) 【编纂:田博群】。



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In a bustling city like Jinan, one may wonder where to find the perfect girl to spend time with. The options are endless, from vibrant nightlife to scenic parks and cultural hotspots. Let's explore some of the popular places to meet and interact with women in Jinan, a city known for its rich history and warm hospitality.

Exploring Jinan's Nightlife

When the sun sets, Jinan transforms into a vibrant city that caters to all manner of entertainment seekers. Nightclubs, bars, and lounges dot the cityscape, offering a lively atmosphere to meet new people, including girls. From trendy nightclubs that thump with the latest beats to cozy bars where you can enjoy a conversation over a drink, Jinan's nightlife scene has something for everyone.

Meeting Women in Parks

Nature lovers rejoice, as Jinan is home to several stunning parks that not only offer tranquility but also serve as excellent meeting places. Daming Lake, known for its serene beauty, is a favorite spot for locals and tourists alike. Take a leisurely stroll along the lake's shores, strike up conversations with women enjoying the scenery, and perhaps even arrange a future meeting. The park's picturesque surroundings provide the perfect setting to make new acquaintances.

Discovering Cultural Treasures

One of Jinan's attractions is its rich cultural heritage. The city boasts several historical sites and museums that provide not only insights into its history but also opportunities to meet like-minded individuals, including women. Visit the Thousand Buddha Mountain and engage in discussions about ancient Buddhist philosophy or explore the Jinan Museum to learn more about the city's past. Cultural attractions serve as a gateway to meaningful connections in Jinan.

Unleashing Your Inner Foodie

If you're looking to impress a girl with your culinary skills or simply enjoy a delightful meal together, Jinan offers a myriad of dining options. From local street food to international cuisines, the city caters to all taste buds. Visit the bustling night markets like the Quancheng Square Night Market or explore food streets like Furong Ancient Street. The shared love for food makes it easy to strike up conversations and discover common interests.

Exploring Social Events and Clubs

Jinan is not just about the usual places to meet women; it also hosts various social events and clubs that cater to different interests. Whether it's a photography club, a language exchange event, or a dance class, these venues provide an excellent opportunity to meet women who share your passions. Engage in your hobbies, make new friends, and who knows, you might just meet the girl of your dreams along the way.


Finding a girl in Jinan is an exciting adventure that takes you through the city's vibrant nightlife, beautiful parks, cultural treasures, delectable dining scenes, and engaging social events. With so many options available, it's only a matter of time before you cross paths with someone special. So put on your exploring hat, step out into Jinan's bustling streets, and let the journey begin.

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