关注大陆扩大中止ECFA产品关税减让 台舆论吁当局寻求两岸对话


关注大陆扩大中止ECFA产品关税减让 台舆论吁当局寻求两岸对话

  中新社台北6月1日电 年夜陆方面5月31日公布,进一步中断《海峡两岸经济合作框架和谈》(ECFA)部门产物关税减让。台湾舆论对此高度存眷,耽忧此举冲击岛内传统财产,呼吁平易近进党政府改变既有对年夜陆政策的思惟与方式,追求两岸对话,有用解决问题。   岛内有学者5月31日投书中时新闻网阐发指出,此次中断的项目,触及了台湾石化、纺织和机械等传统财产,良多都相当依靠年夜陆市场。在没有免税的待遇下,这些财产将难以与东南亚及日韩等国企业竞争,只能斟酌封闭在台工场。   该学者暗示,传统财产是相对劳动密集的行业,年夜量流掉会让制造业呈现较多赋闲,更会让台湾的财产布局进一步掉衡。台湾将面临更年夜的财产波动风险,和劳工“所得分派”的进一步恶化,乃至发生治安恶化的社会问题。   台湾《工商时报》6月1日颁发题为“台湾对年夜陆线路的错误与风险”的社论指出,在台湾与年夜陆经贸链接如斯之深的环境下,平易近进党政府不单没法有用成立与年夜陆沟通协商的管道,并且对化解年夜陆对台经贸制裁,例如当即检讨对陆管束的2509项年夜陆制产物,并在公道情境下开放,可以说是毫无作为。   该篇社论强调,平易近进党政府若不改变对年夜陆政策的既有思惟与方式,将让台湾堕入更年夜的经济与平安的两重风险。   台湾《经济日报》同日刊发社论指出,年夜陆一向都是台湾最主要的经贸火伴,也是台湾最主要的出口地域,台湾不克不及抛却年夜陆市场。   该篇社论暗示,假如此刻的状态延续下去,两岸经贸持久萎缩,对台湾出口的动能与经济增加必将造成重年夜危险,台湾必需要严厉处置这一问题。   台湾贸易总会主席赖正镒认为,台湾应当要先释出善意,包括客岁年夜陆指称台湾高关税的项目,检讨批改,舒缓两岸关系。   台湾东西机暨零组件公会亦指出,但愿平易近进党政府测验考试与年夜陆沟通,追求转圜。   台湾工商协进会暗示,建议平易近进党政府采纳有用办法,循恰当管道延续与年夜陆沟通,尽早进行商量,化解两边歧见。(完) 【编纂:李岩】。



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In a bustling city like Jinan, one may wonder where to find the perfect girl to spend time with. The options are endless, from vibrant nightlife to scenic parks and cultural hotspots. Let's explore some of the popular places to meet and interact with women in Jinan, a city known for its rich history and warm hospitality.

Exploring Jinan's Nightlife

When the sun sets, Jinan transforms into a vibrant city that caters to all manner of entertainment seekers. Nightclubs, bars, and lounges dot the cityscape, offering a lively atmosphere to meet new people, including girls. From trendy nightclubs that thump with the latest beats to cozy bars where you can enjoy a conversation over a drink, Jinan's nightlife scene has something for everyone.

Meeting Women in Parks

Nature lovers rejoice, as Jinan is home to several stunning parks that not only offer tranquility but also serve as excellent meeting places. Daming Lake, known for its serene beauty, is a favorite spot for locals and tourists alike. Take a leisurely stroll along the lake's shores, strike up conversations with women enjoying the scenery, and perhaps even arrange a future meeting. The park's picturesque surroundings provide the perfect setting to make new acquaintances.

Discovering Cultural Treasures

One of Jinan's attractions is its rich cultural heritage. The city boasts several historical sites and museums that provide not only insights into its history but also opportunities to meet like-minded individuals, including women. Visit the Thousand Buddha Mountain and engage in discussions about ancient Buddhist philosophy or explore the Jinan Museum to learn more about the city's past. Cultural attractions serve as a gateway to meaningful connections in Jinan.

Unleashing Your Inner Foodie

If you're looking to impress a girl with your culinary skills or simply enjoy a delightful meal together, Jinan offers a myriad of dining options. From local street food to international cuisines, the city caters to all taste buds. Visit the bustling night markets like the Quancheng Square Night Market or explore food streets like Furong Ancient Street. The shared love for food makes it easy to strike up conversations and discover common interests.

Exploring Social Events and Clubs

Jinan is not just about the usual places to meet women; it also hosts various social events and clubs that cater to different interests. Whether it's a photography club, a language exchange event, or a dance class, these venues provide an excellent opportunity to meet women who share your passions. Engage in your hobbies, make new friends, and who knows, you might just meet the girl of your dreams along the way.


Finding a girl in Jinan is an exciting adventure that takes you through the city's vibrant nightlife, beautiful parks, cultural treasures, delectable dining scenes, and engaging social events. With so many options available, it's only a matter of time before you cross paths with someone special. So put on your exploring hat, step out into Jinan's bustling streets, and let the journey begin.

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