


  中华优异传统文化有良多主要元素,好比,全国为公、全国年夜同的社会抱负,平易近为国本、为政以德的治理思惟,九州共贯、多元一体的年夜一统传统,修齐治平、兴亡有责的家国情怀,厚德载物、明德弘道的精力寻求,富平易近厚生、义利统筹的经济伦理,天人合1、万物并育的生态理念,脚踏实地、知行合一的哲学思惟,执两用中、守中致和的思惟方式,讲信修好、亲仁善邻的交往之道等,配合塑造出中汉文明的凸起特征。   ——习近平2023年6月2日在文化传承成长座谈会上的讲话 “年夜道之行 全国为公”的年夜同思惟 源自先秦期间 是一种朴实的社会抱负和全国不雅 两千多年来 中国人在寻求社会公允公理和 同享成长的道路上不竭摸索 “全国为公”成为贯串其间 鼓励人们奋勇前行的精力动力 “全国为公”的理念 与《共产党宣言》中提出的共产主义前景假想 是内涵相通的 与共产党人的奋斗方针深度契合 十月革命 一声炮响 给中国送来了马克思列宁主义 一百多年来 中国共产党初心如磐 任务如山 为中国人平易近谋幸福 为中华平易近族谋中兴 为人类谋前进 为世界谋年夜同 “全国为公”的思惟 在古老的中国焕发出新的生气和活力 我们活着界上生齿最多的国度里完成脱贫攻坚 实现周全小 构成世界上生齿最多的中等收入群体 这是对“全国为公”的最好诠释 “青山一道同云雨,明月何曾是两乡” ——2021年10月25日 在中华人平易近共和国恢复结合国正当席位50周年数念会议上的讲话 党的十八年夜以来 习近平总书记以马克思主义 政治家 理论家 计谋家的 广漠视野和博年夜情怀 提出构建“人类命运配合体”倡议 缔造性地把“全国为公”晋升到极新境地 至2023年8月份 共建“一带一路”倡议十年间 中国已与152个国度和32个国际组织 签订200余份共建合作文件 “一带一路”成为现今世界 范围最年夜的国际合作平台 和最受接待的国际公共产物 “全国为公”千年寻求 立异理论人类同享 青年毛泽东曾在《湘江评论》中高声疾呼: “全国者 我们的全国” “国度者 我们的国度” “社会者 我们的社会” “我们不说 谁说?” “我们不干 谁干?” 中国式现代化的新征程上 习近平总书记循循善诱我们 每一个人都是奋斗者 每一个人都是追梦人 每一个人都很了不得 全国兴亡 匹夫有责 年夜道之行 从我做起 总 策 划:王战营 策 划:黄玉国 总出品人:王仁海 总 监 制:梁 莉 卢慎勇 监 制:刘林军 李金锋 夏继锋 总 统 筹:张 锦 王 刚 统 筹:胡茂连 雷化雨 李彦锋 李宇博 宋琼花 张俊林 管 鹂 陈红燕 翟 蕾 程文杰 贺 强 刘年夜彬 秦 岩 牛凌云 刘 洋 导 演:徐娟秀 履行导演:张映红 张伟岸 制 片 人:周洪波 导 演 组:刘东帅 冯 波 撰 稿:卫绍生 孟 轲 王 昊 周洪波 张伟岸 冯 波 后 期:张冰晗 郜 杰 李亦漾 制 片:吴 蕾 【编纂:唐炜妮】。



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Jiangyou Second Bridge: How Much Does It Cost to Visit?

Jiangyou Second Bridge, located in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province, has become a popular tourist destination in recent years. With its stunning architecture and picturesque surroundings, many travelers are eager to visit. However, before planning your trip, it's essential to know how much it will cost. In this article, we'll explore the various expenses you can expect when visiting the Jiangyou Second Bridge.

Transportation Costs

Getting to Jiangyou Second Bridge is relatively easy, as it is well-connected to major cities in Sichuan Province. If you are coming from Chengdu, the capital city, you can take a high-speed train or a long-distance bus. The train ticket typically costs around 50-80 RMB (-12), while the bus fare can range from 40-60 RMB (-9). If you prefer to drive, there is also ample parking available near the bridge, although parking fees may apply.

Ticket Prices

Once you arrive at Jiangyou Second Bridge, you'll need to purchase an entrance ticket. The ticket price varies depending on the season. During peak periods, such as national holidays, the ticket price can be higher. On average, the ticket price ranges from 50-100 RMB (-15). Keep in mind that there may be additional fees for certain attractions or activities within the bridge area.

Guided Tours

If you want to make the most out of your visit to Jiangyou Second Bridge, consider joining a guided tour. These tours provide informative guides who can share interesting facts and stories about the bridge's history and significance. The cost of guided tours varies depending on the duration and inclusions, but prices usually start from around 100 RMB () per person.


If you plan to stay overnight in Jiangyou City, there are several accommodation options available for every budget. From luxury hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses, you can find a place that suits your preferences. The average cost of accommodation near Jiangyou Second Bridge ranges from 150-500 RMB (-75) per night.

Food and Beverage

When it comes to dining, Jiangyou City offers a variety of Chinese cuisines to tantalize your taste buds. From local specialties to international dishes, there is something for everyone. The cost of food and beverages will depend on your personal preferences and where you choose to eat. On average, a meal at a mid-range restaurant can cost around 50-100 RMB (-15) per person.

Additional Expenses

It's worth noting that there may be additional expenses to consider during your visit to Jiangyou Second Bridge. For example, if you want to take a boat ride along the river or rent bicycles to explore the area, there will be additional costs. Additionally, if you plan to purchase souvenirs or participate in any cultural activities, you should budget for those expenses as well.


In conclusion, visiting Jiangyou Second Bridge can be an exciting and memorable experience. However, it's essential to plan your trip and budget accordingly. From transportation costs to accommodation and dining expenses, there are several factors to consider when estimating the overall cost. By being prepared and making informed decisions, you can enjoy your time at the Jiangyou Second Bridge without breaking the bank.

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